Rugs and carpets belong to the essential group of items in our homes and apartments. Whether small or large, round or rectangular, colorful or monochromatic, whatever model we choose, a well-selected rug will certainly add comfort, but most importantly, protect the floor from scratches and damage.

However, due to their purpose, rugs are often exposed to various types of dirt. A perfect example is plasticine. This issue is well known to families with young children. Unlike other children’s toys, it’s not always easy to clean them, especially if the child has made an effort to spread it across the floor and carpets.

But fear not, it’s possible to effectively remove bits of stuck plasticine from rugs and carpets without damaging the fabric! Here are some simple tricks to keep the floors of your home impeccably clean.

Plasticine Stains: What Are They and How to Avoid Them?

Plasticine is one of children’s favorite pastimes. This is a timeless classic that has been with us for generations. Plasticine is nothing more than a soft plastic mass used for modeling various figures and shapes. However, when using it, it’s difficult to avoid all types of stains, and although it’s easy to wash hands (with warm water and soap), when it comes to removing plasticine from clothes or household textiles, it’s a real challenge.

We can start by being careful when children play. So, opt to create a space for the children, the famous play corner: children will love it, and parents ensure that the rest of the house stays tidy. If that’s not possible, protect the environment where the child will play with materials that are not needed and won’t be an issue if they get stained. But what about when, despite all precautions, a stain appears? Let’s get to work!

How to Clean Plasticine from Carpets – The Most Effective Methods

Cooling Method

To get rid of bits of plasticine from carpets and rugs, take some ice cubes from the freezer and place them in a clean plastic bag.

Next, place the bag filled with ice on the carpet and wait for about thirty minutes. As the ice melts, the plasticine begins to harden. It is at this stage that you can carefully remove the crumbled pieces with a knife or an unnecessary plastic card.

If the particles are too small to pick up by hand, you can use a vacuum cleaner. If after this cleaning there is still some grease residue, which is quite common, gently rub the stain with cotton and alcohol until the stain completely disappears.

Extra Tip: Remember to empty the vacuum cleaner’s container immediately after vacuuming, otherwise, the plasticine can melt again and clog the filter.

Heating Method

Another method to remove plasticine stains is to use the opposite effect, namely, with heating.

The first step is to remove the pieces manually (as much as possible, of course). Next, gently press an iron covered with a cloth against the stain. The stain should be pressed several times until all residues are removed from the fabric. Replace the cloth as needed.

Afterward, gently rub the stain with cotton and alcohol to remove any remaining residue.

Caution! Before attempting to remove the stain from the carpet with an iron, test it on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure that the fibers do not melt with the increased temperature. Some carpets do not tolerate this cleaning method.

Therefore, before using any of these proposed methods to remove plasticine, check what material your carpets are made of. If you can’t identify it, it’s best to have the cleaning done by a professional.

When to Call a Professional?

If you have woolen, thick, or plush carpets, consider contacting a professional to do the job. A specialized team can handle larger and more difficult-to-remove stains more easily. Also, if you try to remove a stain and can’t get it out, it’s better to let the professionals continue the work before an accident occurs.

At Biomex, we offer a comprehensive service of Deep Cleaning for Rugs and Carpets. With an approach that adapts to each carpet and delivers effective results, we use advanced techniques and specialized products. Therefore, our commitment is to preserve the quality of your carpets for a visually pleasing final result. So, if you don’t want to take risks or if you’re not sure which treatment is most suitable for your carpets, count on Biomex!

Contact us for more information. Biomex has a team of experienced professionals who operate nationwide.